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5 VION Décor Window Films Guaranteed to Elevate Your Next Project

As an installer, staying at the forefront of design trends and product innovation is key to providing exceptional service to your clients. VION Decor Window Films offer an impressive range of patterns and styles that can take your installations to the next level. Here are our top 5 picks to consider using for your next project.

1. VION Reeded Glass

Classic Sophistication: VION Reeded Glass embodies timeless sophistication. This pattern replicates the look of traditional reeded glass, adding a touch of class and elegance to any space. It's the perfect choice for clients who appreciate classic aesthetics and want to infuse their interiors with a sense of refinement.

Visual Depth: One of the standout features of VION Reeded Glass is the way it creates visual depth and texture. The film's design not only enhances privacy but also adds an intriguing element to windows. It's a versatile option that can complement both traditional and contemporary decor, making it a valuable addition to your toolkit.

Recommended For: Consider using VION Reeded Glass in office meeting rooms, hotel lobbies, restaurant booths, or any space where a touch of sophistication is desired.

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2. VION Frost Patterns

Versatile Designs: VION Frost Patterns offers a wide array of design options, from minimalistic to intricate. By eliminating the need for plotting or cutting, the wide range of readily available intricate designs saves you time, money, and effort that can be better spent elsewhere. This versatility allows you to cater to diverse client preferences. Whether your client is looking for a subtle frosted effect or a more ornate design, VION Frost Patterns have you covered.

Balanced Lighting: These patterns strike the perfect balance between privacy and natural light. They allow light to filter through while maintaining privacy, creating a welcoming and well-lit atmosphere in any room. As an installer, you'll appreciate the flexibility these films offer in meeting your clients' needs.

Recommended For: Install VION Frost Patterns in spaces like bathrooms, conference rooms, and areas where privacy and aesthetics are equally important.


3. VION Dichroic

Mesmerising Colours: VION Dichroic is a true showstopper, thanks to its ability to create a mesmerising play of colours. As light interacts with the film's surface, it produces a dazzling array of hues that shift and change with the viewing angle. This dynamic effect makes it a unique and eye-catching choice. While the patterns are stunning on their own, lighting your dichroic installations will elevate them to new levels, especially if visible at night or in naturally dim lighting conditions.

Contemporary Flair: If your clients are looking to infuse their space with a modern and artistic flair, VION Dichroic is the way to go. It's perfect for spaces that demand a bold design statement, contemporary homes, or any environment where you want to leave a lasting impression.

Recommended For: Think about incorporating VION Dichroic in projects that require a touch of artistic brilliance, such as art exhibitions, modern residential interiors, or high-end retail spaces.

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4. VION Transparent Colours

Colour Variety: The VION Transparent Colours range is a treasure trove of colours, available in both gloss and matt finishes. This diversity allows you to cater to your clients' individual tastes and preferences, offering them the opportunity to introduce vibrant hues into their spaces.

Versatile Design: Whether you're looking to complement existing decor or create a bold focal point, these films provide endless possibilities. The gloss finish adds a touch of sophistication, while the matt finish offers a more subdued and contemporary look.

Recommended For: Consider using VION Transparent Colours in residential homes, restaurants, or commercial spaces that crave a splash of colour and personality.

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5. VION Blackout

Ultimate Privacy: When it comes to privacy and light control, VION Blackout is the undisputed champion. It completely obscures views from both inside and outside the window while effectively blocking out light. This makes it a must-have for spaces where darkness and privacy are non-negotiable.

Versatile Application: VION Blackout's versatility extends across various commercial and residential settings. Whether you're working on bedrooms or conference rooms, this film ensures that your clients' privacy and comfort are guaranteed.

Recommended For: Prioritise using VION Blackout in spaces where complete privacy and light control are essential, such as bedrooms, home theatres, and confidential meeting areas.

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By delving into the unique characteristics and ideal applications of these VION Decor Window Film patterns, you'll be well-equipped to offer tailored solutions that not only meet but exceed your clients' expectations, ultimately elevating your reputation as a skilled and versatile installer.

We're excited to announce that we've recently realigned our pricing on these films to help benefit our customers. Currently, we're running a special promotion until 30th September 2023. Contact our sales office or log in to your Online Account for further information and take advantage of exclusive deals on these fantastic VION Decor Window Film patterns!

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