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Learn How to Sell Architectural Film

Struggling to sell the dream of Architectural Film to your clients? Or perhaps, you’ve come across this blog because you’re really looking to push the concept of wrapping interiors to your customers more, and are looking for some hints and tips to do this most effectively?

Either way, you’re in the right place!

In the early days of the Training Academy we soon realised that although our application courses were flourishing and our network of installers was growing, we needed to arm the sales teams of these organisations with the tools and knowledge to be able to sell the concept of Architectural Wrapping.

In this blog, we are going to bring to you our game changing Architextural Sales Course, and how this course can help transform your business.

The course

So, the course. The course is a one-day course usually completed here at Barnard Castle. But, for those of you who are far away from County Durham, don’t worry, we also offer an online version of the course, allowing you to learn from the comfort of your own home.

The course is ran by the Architextural guru herself, Gill Harrison, Training and Application Manager here at William Smith. Gill has over 35 years’ experience in the industry, and has ran this course many, many times, so you are guaranteed to have an informative day with us in a relaxed atmosphere. 

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Who are your targets

First things first on the sales course, we want you to understand who you’re targeting and why?

For example, is there any sectors you have an advantage in or want to target? Perhaps you have some contacts, or have done work with individuals whom you think you can upsell the concept of Architectural Film.

It’s so important to get this right first. This is something we will address early on with you, and we promise following this, you will have a much clearer vision.

But, how do I even get to speak to these people I hear you ask? It’s a prevalent question, and it’s certainly one we address, talking you through the different activities you should be undertaking to get in front of your target audience.

Where can it go? What are the benefits? Benefits vs traditional methods?

Then we move onto such a crucial part of the course, as this is ultimately where we give you the knowledge to sell your client the dream of Architectural Film.

This segment kicks off by educating you on where the products can be applied and where they can’t be, although a basic understanding, it’s integral you know this to negate any problems further down the line.

Next up, is selling the benefits of Architectural Film, which there are so many of. But what’s more important here, is having a handle on the benefits of Architectural Film over traditional methods of refurbishing and how to present this. This is what is going to win you projects.

Us British hate change, which means theres a lot of trepidation around using Architectural Film, simply because it’s a new concept to many. On the sales course you will be taught on how to convince your customers on why they should be getting out of their comfort zones. Staying on the topic of customers, you will have different ones, with different objectives. We’ll show you how to hit the different touchpoints of these individuals to get the sale you need. 

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Price. Is always the elephant in the room when it comes to anything isn’t it?

For that reason, price and more specifically pricing forms an integral part of our course. Pricing isn’t as simple as buying X amount of material and charging your client X amount of money. There are other factors you have to take into consideration. For instance, a flat wall of 30 metres would take far less time to install than 12 metres worth of material for an intrinsic cupboard.

How would you price that? Don’t worry if you don’t know. All will be covered on the course.


To feel more confident about selling the concept of Architectural Film, theres only one thing for it.

Practice. Practice. Practice.

On the course, we will put you in different scenarios (in the most relaxing way possible) which will allow you to practice what you’ve learnt and put that into action so when it comes to the real thing and you’re next in front of your clients, you will have all the knowledge and confidence in the world to close that deal.

Once the course has completed, you won’t go home empty handed either, you will be given both online and physical sales tools to take away with you to help you on your way.

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Looking to book onto an upcoming training course? Visit our training page to see when our next sales course is available here:

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